Join a Distinctive Discussion with Bristol City Council leader Tony Dyer

Bristol City Council leader, Tony Dyer

Register now for a Distinctive Discussion with Cllr Tony Dyer, on 27 November at 1pm

We’re pleased to welcome the first Green Party member to lead Bristol City Council as guest on our next Distinctive Discussion.

Bristolian born and bred, Cllr Tony Dyer formally leads the authority as representative of the city’s largest political group, on behalf of Bristol’s 470,000 residents.

Appointed leader in May 2024, Cllr Dyer has been actively involved in politics for more than a decade, developing expertise in local government finances, housing and urban planning.

He represents a city at a time of transition, as the council moves from an elected mayor and cabinet-led model to a committee system. Nationally, a new government that has not been in power for 14 years faces its own challenges.

We will talk about Cllr Dyer’s priorities for Bristol and examine how the council plans to address pressing challenges ranging from housing, urban planning, inequality and creating a sustainable, inclusive city. All while operating within the fiscal constraints of funding for local authorities.

Attendees also have the opportunity to have questions (please email us if you’d like to ask something).

Click here to register


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