Supporting the nuclear industry – Nuclear South West
The focus on nuclear as part of the net zero energy solution is strengthening.
We are proud to support Nuclear South West and their partners’ work – championing the South West region for nuclear investment, skills and innovation.
About the project
Nuclear South West is a collaboration of industry, academic and public sector partners. It is supported by the Heart of the South West LEP, Somerset Council and the West of England Combined Authority, with involvement from other strategic organisations including the South West Nuclear Hub based with the University of Bristol and Business West.
The organisation’s primary goal is to promote the South West as the premier destination for nuclear development. The region is home to Hinkley Point C, the first of the new generation British nuclear power stations, which is already well known. However, the region is a rich source of wider opportunities; complementary and independent of Hinkley Point C. It is these stories we strive to tell through our work with Nuclear South West.
Nuclear is a key component to the net zero energy mix, and Hinkley Point C itself will provide zero-carbon electricity for around six million homes.
Pieces of media coverage
Newsletter open rate
Engaged at industry events
Our approach
Our team has significant experience of working across the nuclear and clean growth sectors to advance the case for a sustainable future.
Nuclear South West appointed us to promote the region as a vehicle for growth and opportunity for investment. We do this through a mix of targeted campaigns and always-on media relations, social media and communications support. We help to firmly establish key messages around the sector’s value to the UK, which is estimated to be worth around £50bn over the coming decades.
Across owned and earned media channels, we promote the opportunities available and business success stories generated from the region. We position experts within the sector as thought-leaders, with coverage across South West Business Insider, Business Live and regional press.
We write a monthly Nuclear South West newsletter, which has become a valuable and trusted source of industry insights, collating:
- Commentary on developments in the nuclear space
- Blog pieces from leading organisations, such as South West Nuclear Hub and innovative businesses operating within the sector.
- Upcoming events
- Opportunities for funding
Campaign support
During our time working with Nuclear South West, we have also support its key annual conferences, promoting the events and speakers before, during and afterwards in the media and across social channels.
Since 2018, our work has generated more than 200 items of coverage across regional, national, and online media – locally, regionally and nationally.
Coverage frequently contains backlinks to Nuclear South West’s website, which is a key measure of success to campaigns.
The newsletter performs at an above average level for opens and click-through, with an ever-increasing subscriber database.
The organisation is now well established as a leading voice on issues around skills and regional growth as it continues to champion the region. With the official launch of Great British Nuclear this year and the Small Modular Reactor competition hotting up, we look forward to developing the region’s stature as an internationally renowned nuclear epicentre.
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